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HADISS Magazine Nr. 155

HADISS Magazine

Even more reading pleasure:

The “HADISS Magazine” regularly reports on Persian cultural and commercial scene as well as legal and social issues in Germany. The articles correspond to the opinion of the author.
If you do not have any HADISS magazines nearby or you prefer to read online, you will find the magazine on the website of “HADISS”. The link to the magazine can be found in the main menu area of ​​the website under the menu “Magazine”.

If you click on the link, a page opens with the digital magazine, which can be browsed and read on the screen in full screen mode. The pages can be displayed variably as a double page, single page or in the scroll view; so that everything is easy to read, can be zoomed in steplessly.

It also includes a feature that allows the magazine to be shared with other book lovers – depending on which platform you use, you can choose between Facebook, Twitter, Google+, linkedin and Pinterest. Also a code with which the magazine can be embedded in another website is available here.

If you would like to know more about HADISS Magazine, customer service will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


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